Puppy Classes
The most important period in your puppy’s life is between the ages of 8-18 weeks. It is at this age that their personality and social skills are developed.
The skills and behaviour habits they learn at this stage will be with them for the rest of their lives so it is vital to socialise and train them in the correct manner.
Puppy classes are run in our Tralee hospital. The classes run for four weeks with approximately three to six puppies in each class.
Introducing a puppy into your life can be a fantastic experience; they bring endless entertainment into your home.
However, at times it can be hard to determine the best way to train your puppy. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when progress is not being made as fast as one would hope.
Our classes enable owners to better understand their puppies and learn how to decode their actions to determine what each behaviour means, which in turn leads to easier training.
Eliminating unwanted behaviour in young puppies is always achievable regardless of the circumstance.
The objectives of the four week course include:
- Socialisation – both with people and other dogs
- Habituation – introduction into different environments
- Toilet training
- Bite inhibition
- Command training
- Owner education
- Understanding body language
- Prevention of common behaviour problems
- Feeding and exercise
- Fun, playful experience for your puppies

It’s a good idea to take the opportunity at your pet’s annual visit to discuss unusual or inappropriate behaviour. Whether this takes the form of excessive barking, biting or destroying property in your absence, misbehaviour can usually be managed if caught in the early stages. We will give you advice on how to deal with these issues or we may recommend that your dog is referred to a trained behaviourist.
The skills and behaviour habits they learn at this stage will be with them for the rest of their lives so it is vital to socialise and train them in the correct manner.
Puppy classes are run in our Tralee hospital. The classes run for four weeks with approximately three to six puppies in each class.
Introducing a puppy into your life can be a fantastic experience; they bring endless entertainment into your home.
However, at times it can be hard to determine the best way to train your puppy. It can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when progress is not being made as fast as one would hope.
Our classes enable owners to better understand their puppies and learn how to decode their actions to determine what each behaviour means, which in turn leads to easier training.
Eliminating unwanted behaviour in young puppies is always achievable regardless of the circumstance.
The objectives of the four week course include:
- Socialisation – both with people and other dogs
- Habituation – introduction into different environments
- Toilet training
- Bite inhibition
- Command training
- Owner education
- Understanding body language
- Prevention of common behaviour problems
- Feeding and exercise
- Fun, playful experience for your puppies

It’s a good idea to take the opportunity at your pet’s annual visit to discuss unusual or inappropriate behaviour. Whether this takes the form of excessive barking, biting or destroying property in your absence, misbehaviour can usually be managed if caught in the early stages. We will give you advice on how to deal with these issues or we may recommend that your dog is referred to a trained behaviourist.
6 Month Puppy and Kitten Checks
These health checks, which are provided free of charge, are vital to ensuring the normal growth and development of your pet.
At the 6 month health check we will examine your pet from nose to tail. We will ensure that there has been normal weight gain, check on tooth development, arrange parasite treatment and prevention and discuss diet and neutering. It is also a useful time to discuss any issues which might be of concern to you.
Weight Clinics
Obesity is a common problem in pets, so ensuring that your pet is in optimal body condition is very important.
Weight clinics are provided free of charge at both our branches. We will weigh your pet and check them for signs of excess body fat.
If your pet is overweight we will help you establish a proper diet and exercise plan or perhaps advise that you enroll your pet in a weight loss programme. Such programmes typically involve placing your pet on a specific weight loss diet and committing to monthly weight checks with a veterinary nurse. Your pet’s target weight should be achieved within 4-6 months, leading to a healthier and happier pet. The monthly weight checks and consultations are provided free of charge.
Conversely, if your pet has lost weight since he or she was last weighed, with no change in diet or exercise, this could be a sign of a health problem and should be investigated.

Weight clinics are provided free of charge at both our branches. We will weigh your pet and check them for signs of excess body fat.
If your pet is overweight we will help you establish a proper diet and exercise plan or perhaps advise that you enroll your pet in a weight loss programme. Such programmes typically involve placing your pet on a specific weight loss diet and committing to monthly weight checks with a veterinary nurse. Your pet’s target weight should be achieved within 4-6 months, leading to a healthier and happier pet. The monthly weight checks and consultations are provided free of charge.
Conversely, if your pet has lost weight since he or she was last weighed, with no change in diet or exercise, this could be a sign of a health problem and should be investigated.