At Holmes Veterinary we recommend that all dogs and cats not intended for breeding should be neutered from six months of age.
Fertility Clinics
Breeding for professionals – we test and certify canine semen to ensure you are not wasting time and money. We offer further fertility testing to remove uncertainty from matings.
Male Fertility
Investigation of failed matings to improve fertility at next mating
- Certification of Stud dog fertility
- Semen analysis, health checks and treatment for stud dog infertility
- Blood tests
- Ultrasound scanning
- Semen analysis to assess sperm count and quality
- Bacterial culture
Female Fertility
For bitches we can determine if there are any defects of the reproductive tract whether they have normal breeding cycles, whether there is infection, uterine or ovarian cysts.
This consists of clinical examination including detailed discussion of medical history.
- Progesterone blood testing
- Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries
- Vaginal bacterial culture
- Exploratory laparotomy to assess the uterus and ovaries
- Artificial Insemination
Why Artificial Insemination (AI)?
Our practice offers advice to maximise conception rates for each individual mating. This has advantages over a natural mating.
Matings are possible if male and female are in different locations or countries
Semen can be collected and stored indefinitely – we have successfully used semen that was over 10 years old in both horses and dogs.
Semen analysis can confirm fertility of stud dog prior to mating.
We can provide storage of semen straws for a valuable proven stud dogs.
Overcomes difficulties with natural matings such as inexperience or nervousness
Standard Pipette Artificial Insemination (AI) of brood bitch with fresh semen. This deposits the semen in the upper vagina in much the same way as a natural mating.
Transcervical Insemination (TCI) Endoscope technology is used to visualise the cervix and deposit the semen inside the uterus itself. Greater numbers of viable sperm are delivered to the eggs with this technique. This is especially important when using chilled or frozen semen. No general anaesthetic or surgical procedure required.
Why use Progesterone Testing?
Progesterone Testing is crucial to correct timing of mating whether for a natural mating or artificial insemination.
Through following a bitch’s progesterone levels we can determine ovulation and so when to mate.
What’s included?
Using the VCheck Progesterone Analyser we provide
- Accurate Progesterone testing
- Results in one hour for breeders and vets
- Email or phone results
- Breeding timing
- Prediction of whelping date
From day 25 post mating pregnancy is detected using ultrasonography.
Progesterone testing can be used to ensure progesterone levels are adequate for the bitch to maintain the pregnancy

Caesarean Section
Caesarean Sections (elective) are recommended where a potentially high-risk whelping is identified. We may do this for various reasons, including a history of previous c-sections, breed tendencies or where there is only one pup seen on scan (Single Pup Syndrome).
Using accurate date predictions based on ovulation dates along with progesterone testing, we can expertly determine when a bitch should have a section. Timing is vital to maintain excellent puppy vitality rates and good maternal bonding. This will help to ensure puppies thrive afterwards.
It is crucial not to perform elective sections too early. We eliminate this risk by monitoring blood progesterone levels, which drop dramatically prior to whelping. We use ultrasonography to predict litter sizes and to assess foetal heart rates prior to performing sections. Foetal heart rates tell us if the puppies are in distress.
Every measure is undertaken to produce healthy puppies from a happy and healthy dam. The bitch is scanned to check puppy heart rates and get an approximate litter size.
She is given a pre-medication 20 minutes prior to the operation to ensure she is calm and relaxed. She is also put onto an intravenous fluids drip, and given some pain relief and antibiotic at this time. Oxygen is administered to ensure the blood oxygen levels are optimal. We use specialised general anaesthetic agents which have a limited effect on the puppies to maintain excellent vitality rates.
The bitch is closely monitored throughout the surgery by a veterinary nurse. A team of highly experienced vets and nurses are on hand to stimulate the puppies to breath after birth.
Oxygen and puppy resuscitation kits are immediately at hand in case of emergencies. Once the puppies are born the bitch is given opioid pain relief to minimise post-operative pain.
Immediately after the surgery the puppies are given an opportunity to drink from the bitch. This starts the maternal bonding experience and transfers the smell of the bitch onto the pups. The pups are kept close to the bitch to strengthen the maternal bond.
We aim to get the pups and dam home as soon as possible after the surgery. There, she can settle and relax in her own environment, which helps her to bond with the pups.
We give full veterinary advice upon discharge and afterwards we are available at all times to answer any questions that arise.
The mom will go home with a full course of appropriate antibiotics and pain relief.
Fertility Clinics
Breeding for professionals – we test and certify canine semen to ensure you are not wasting time and money. We offer further fertility testing to remove uncertainty from matings.
Male Fertility
Investigation of failed matings to improve fertility at next mating
- Certification of Stud dog fertility
- Semen analysis, health checks and treatment for stud dog infertility
- Blood tests
- Ultrasound scanning
- Semen analysis to assess sperm count and quality
- Bacterial culture
Female Fertility
For bitches we can determine if there are any defects of the reproductive tract whether they have normal breeding cycles, whether there is infection, uterine or ovarian cysts.
This consists of clinical examination including detailed discussion of medical history.
- Progesterone blood testing
- Ultrasound examination of the uterus and ovaries
- Vaginal bacterial culture
- Exploratory laparotomy to assess the uterus and ovaries
- Artificial Insemination
Why Artificial Insemination (AI)?
Our practice offers advice to maximise conception rates for each individual mating. This has advantages over a natural mating.
Matings are possible if male and female are in different locations or countries
Semen can be collected and stored indefinitely – we have successfully used semen that was over 10 years old in both horses and dogs.
Semen analysis can confirm fertility of stud dog prior to mating.
We can provide storage of semen straws for a valuable proven stud dogs.
Overcomes difficulties with natural matings such as inexperience or nervousness
Standard Pipette Artificial Insemination (AI) of brood bitch with fresh semen. This deposits the semen in the upper vagina in much the same way as a natural mating.
Transcervical Insemination (TCI) Endoscope technology is used to visualise the cervix and deposit the semen inside the uterus itself. Greater numbers of viable sperm are delivered to the eggs with this technique. This is especially important when using chilled or frozen semen. No general anaesthetic or surgical procedure required.
Why use Progesterone Testing?
Progesterone Testing is crucial to correct timing of mating whether for a natural mating or artificial insemination.
Through following a bitch’s progesterone levels we can determine ovulation and so when to mate.
What’s included?
Using the VCheck Progesterone Analyser we provide
- Accurate Progesterone testing
- Results in one hour for breeders and vets
- Email or phone results
- Breeding timing
- Prediction of whelping date
From day 25 post mating pregnancy is detected using ultrasonography.
Progesterone testing can be used to ensure progesterone levels are adequate for the bitch to maintain the pregnancy
Rabbits can be neutered from 4 months of age. Neutering is also referred to as “spaying” in females and “castration” in males. Once neutered, your female pet will not come into heat and will be unable to get pregnant. Similarly, your male pet will not be interested in finding a mate. Your pet’s personality will not change and neutering does not take away playfulness or energy.
There are many advantages and health benefits to neutering which we can discuss with you at your pet’s health checks. We will also advise you on proper aftercare, including diet, to help prevent your neutered pet from becoming overweight.

Caesarean Section
Caesarean Sections (elective) are recommended where a potentially high-risk whelping is identified. We may do this for various reasons, including a history of previous c-sections, breed tendencies or where there is only one pup seen on scan (Single Pup Syndrome).
Using accurate date predictions based on ovulation dates along with progesterone testing, we can expertly determine when a bitch should have a section. Timing is vital to maintain excellent puppy vitality rates and good maternal bonding. This will help to ensure puppies thrive afterwards.
It is crucial not to perform elective sections too early. We eliminate this risk by monitoring blood progesterone levels, which drop dramatically prior to whelping. We use ultrasonography to predict litter sizes and to assess foetal heart rates prior to performing sections. Foetal heart rates tell us if the puppies are in distress.
Every measure is undertaken to produce healthy puppies from a happy and healthy dam. The bitch is scanned to check puppy heart rates and get an approximate litter size.
She is given a pre-medication 20 minutes prior to the operation to ensure she is calm and relaxed. She is also put onto an intravenous fluids drip, and given some pain relief and antibiotic at this time. Oxygen is administered to ensure the blood oxygen levels are optimal. We use specialised general anaesthetic agents which have a limited effect on the puppies to maintain excellent vitality rates.
The bitch is closely monitored throughout the surgery by a veterinary nurse. A team of highly experienced vets and nurses are on hand to stimulate the puppies to breath after birth.
Oxygen and puppy resuscitation kits are immediately at hand in case of emergencies. Once the puppies are born the bitch is given opioid pain relief to minimise post-operative pain.
Immediately after the surgery the puppies are given an opportunity to drink from the bitch. This starts the maternal bonding experience and transfers the smell of the bitch onto the pups. The pups are kept close to the bitch to strengthen the maternal bond.
We aim to get the pups and dam home as soon as possible after the surgery. There, she can settle and relax in her own environment, which helps her to bond with the pups.
We give full veterinary advice upon discharge and afterwards we are available at all times to answer any questions that arise.
The mom will go home with a full course of appropriate antibiotics and pain relief.